Welcome to the New West Main Website
The site is currently undergoing some updates and the full site will be available soon
In the meantime, you can find Service information, contacts, and more below:
Sam Garner, Lead Minister
Email: sam@churchwestmain.org
Christi Olson, Children and Family Minister
Email: christi@churchwestmain.org
Tyler and Meagan Flock, Youth Ministers
Email: tyler@churchwestmain.org
Email: meagan@churchwestmain.org
Callista Robbins, Administration Minister
Email: callista@churchwestmain.org
Main Office
1701 W Main St, Medford OR 97501
Gathering Times
Sundays at 10:00 am
Kids Connect:
10:45 am directly following worship and during the message
*Babies through 5th grade welcome
Bible Studies Wednesday Nights from 6:30-7:30pm:
Adult Bible Study
Youth Group for Middle and High School students
Bible Buster classes for toddlers through 5th graders